Not only are we passionate about water, here at Tin Shark Fountainworks we are also passionate about education, specifically in the STEM fields. We believe that in order to solve many of our current and future world problems, we need a robust STEM educated society. Clean energy, carbon capture, agriculture, water desalination, are just a few of the many fields that will need educated passionate people to tackle those challenges. Not just in the far distant future, but within our own lifetimes. We believe that we should do all that we can to leave the Earth, and our nations and societies, in better condition than the one we were born into and for our children to have a beautiful world and endless opportunities to pursue.
No nation in the history of human kind has ever not benefited by investing in research, development and inspiring young children through education outreach in the STEM fields. And if that were not enough, when you invest in research, development and education… innovation happens. When innovation happens, entire new industries are born. New opportunities arise. New jobs are created. When you innovate, no one else can do what it is that you do. When you stop innovating, the jobs and opportunities eventually go to the lowest bidder.
So needless to say, the returns from investing in STEM education and research are incalculable. However, those returns are unknown in what they will be or when they will happen. But it is for certain that they don’t happen in the time frame of any given political election cycle.
To that end, Tin Shark Fountainworks proudly donates 5% of it’s proceeds to various STEM education outreach and research. When you purchase your fountain from us, know that a percentage of the profits are going towards making this world a better place.
Let’s make a better world together.